God has called law enforcement officers to be ministers of peace. Many times the only way to bring peace to a situation is to remove the one causing the chaos. Proverbs 22:10 says, "Cast out the scorner, and contention; yea, strife and reproach shall cease." The force by which that individual is removed is completely dependent on them. The general public has a difficult time understanding this truth. If an individual violently resists the God given authority delegated to a law enforcement officer to bring peace to a situation then, at that point, they are called on by God to meet that unrighteous violence with righteous violence. The apostle Paul says the following in Romans 13:4 referring to law enforcement officers:
"For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, BE AFRAID; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is GOD'S MINISTER, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil."
In light of the recent school shooting that took place in Nashville, TN we see this demonstrated perfectly by the responding officers. Those officers fulfilled their ministry role perfectly based on the circumstances presented to them. Using the word "ministry" to described law enforcement having to take another persons life might shock you but according to Romans 13:4 that's God's definition of what took place. The Apostle Paul inserts a comma directly after the words "God's minister" and gives the following definition :
"an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil."
The Greek word for minister used here by the Apostle Paul means servant, one who executes the commands of another. Whether the officers involved in that shooting are followers of Jesus Christ or not, they were used by God to end the killing. They fulfilled their ministry role through their God given authority and brought peace to the chaos.
James 3:18 in the New Living Translation says this, "And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness". Notice, it doesn't say, "And those who are peace KEEPERS". Law enforcement is not called upon to keep the peace. They are called upon to enforce peace...to be a peacemaker. Another way to say this is that a law enforcement officer is to produce peace wherever they are dispatched (sent). The officers that entered that school on Monday, March 27th, were planting seeds of peace by entering into the chaos fully prepared to execute wrath on the individual who was causing it. As those officers entered the room where the shooter was at they enforced peace by utilizing righteous violence to neutralize the threat and stop the killing. The harvest of righteousness was that the killing was brought to an end and lives were preserved. I thank God for those officers and the courage they displayed in fulfilling their God given role as a peacemaker, God's ministers in uniform.
In Romans 12:18 the Apostle Paul says this, "IF IT BE POSSIBLE, as much as lieth within you, live peaceably with all men". Notice the words at the start, "If it be possible". A law enforcement officer should respond to every call with a desire to resolve the situation peacefully. Their heart should be to bring peace to the chaos, BUT the way that peace is manifested is completely dependent on the individuals involved. Sometimes, the mere presence of law enforcement will bring peace. They'll show up on scene and the situation is resolved without them ever having to raise their voice or physically put their hands on anyone. Other times, peace must be obtained through force. This should never be the desired intention of law enforcement...if it is, then they're no longer a peacemaker but an instigator in uniform.
Just like the officers who willingly laid their lives down to bring physical peace to the dark situation presented to them, Jesus Christ (God's only Son), laid His life down to bring spiritual peace to the darkness of this world. He was the peacemaker to the chaos caused by sin. He sowed His life on the cross over 2000 years ago becoming our sin, baring our judgement, so that we could receive His righteousness and be at peace with God. Salvation has been made available to everyone through Jesus Christ but, because of His love for us He's given us the free will to reject that gift. He doesn't force it on anyone. Being a law enforcement officer doesn't justify you before God, saving another person's life doesn't justify you, being a "good person" doesn't justify you, and going to church doesn't justify you. True justification before God comes through making Jesus Christ Lord over your life and allowing Him to live through you.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:9, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." The ONLY way to correctly fulfill God's calling to be a peacemaker is to know the author of peace, His Son, Jesus Christ. If you don't have a personal relationship with the Prince of Peace then you'll never experience the fullness of what He's called you to be. The only way to become a peacemaker, both physically and spiritually, is to be at peace with God through His son Jesus. Once you have His supernatural peace abiding on the inside of you then you'll have the authority in Christ to sow that same peace into others. True peace only comes through Jesus Christ. Don't resist the peace that God offers through Him. Once that peace is received through a relationship with Him, you'll be born again as a child of God, and identified as His peacemaker on earth.