Law enforcement officers encounter darkness daily on a level that most people can’t comprehend. They’re forced to deal with individuals on their darkest days for the purpose of bringing order and safety to that person's chaotic life or situation. This places officers on the front lines of the spiritual battle going on today between light and darkness. Between righteousness and lawlessness. Most officers have no concept of this spiritual battle that they’re involved in. Not only that, but most Christian law enforcement officers have no understanding of the spiritual weapons and authority that they’ve been equipped with in order to combat the real enemy and the battle taking place in their minds. As a result of this, the darkness that officers encounter on a daily basis begins to attach itself to them affecting the way they think about themselves and others. The seeds of death are sown into them with no resistance and eventually those seeds grow and produce the thorns of divorce, adultery, fornication, addictions to pornography, substance abuse, physical abuse, offence, bitterness, racism, or suicide.
Law enforcement officers need to recognize the spiritual battle they’re involved in and understand the weapons Jesus Christ has provided for them to walk in victory over the darkness of this world. Law enforcement recruits receive extensive training to learn how to protect themselves physically using the tools on their duty belt. They’re even prepared somewhat for the mental stress that will develop throughout the course of their career. But there’s no training on spiritual warfare and the tactics of the devil to steal, kill, and destroy. The spiritual realm affects both the physical and soulish (mental) realm. Therefore, if an officer is not even aware of the spiritual battle taking place around them eventually the seeds being sown through the defeats in that realm will eventually manifest in the mental and physical realms.
You might be asking, “What about Police Chaplains? Isn’t that their job?”. Police Chaplains are considered government employees of the particular agency or city they work for. This means that there are certain rules, regulations, and policies that they must adhere to throughout the course of their job. Such as, in some places, law enforcement Chaplains are instructed not to pray in the name of Jesus or talk about Him unless the individual they’re ministering to brings Him up. This means Chaplains are limited legally on what they can say or do when ministering to an officer. Second, most officers are hesitant to open up to a Chaplain regarding some of the thoughts and inner turmoil they’re experiencing due to a lack of trust. This lack of trust is primarily due to a lack of relationship between the Chaplain and the officer’s they’re serving. Lastly, many Chaplains have never been law enforcement officers. This creates a disconnect between the officers and Chaplains because, in the officer’s eyes, the Chaplain has no idea what they see and experience on a daily basis. These were my exact thoughts when I was a police officer in 2013 after I was involved in a critical incident where I ended up shooting an individual during the execution of a search warrant. I was approached by our department's Chaplain but refused to meet with them primarily because of the reasons listed above.
Therefore, I see a need for a private run parachurch ministry primarily focused on discipling police officers, and by doing that, equipping them to stand and fight the good fight of faith against the true enemy. I believe this ministry would not only change the lives of individual officers but also their families, entire departments, and communities across the nation. Police officers are on the front lines of the spiritual and physical battle between light and darkness. They need to see themselves as weapons of righteousness for the kingdom of God rather than just mere government agents.
Weapons of Righteousness Ministries is needed now more than ever before due to the current climate within the nation. We have an opportunity through this ministry to not only transform the lives of law enforcement officers across the nation but also their families and the communities they serve.
Taylor M. Clark
Founder and President of Weapons of Righteousness Ministries, Inc.